Sunday, November 06, 2005

Lucky Lucky Me!

I'm back home (yay! home is the best) (except when you have to clean it when you get back) and I got a lovely surprise in the mail - a stack of Kool-Aid from my lurverly SP. Very exciting cause that means I can dye my next lot of spinning (I couldn't wait, I had to ply it last night at 11pm after I got home). It's looking fabbo, pics to come tomorrow probably. Haven't decided what colour though, maybe turquoise? I'm thinking I might knit a beanie for Little Man out of it, well see how much I end up with.

I have been won over by the GORGEOUSNESS of Butterfly so I gotta get out the Crack Silk Haze (as Ailsa calls it; so, so true.) and get going on it. But I'm a bit afraid, it mentions the C word (that being Crochet *shiver*) and my crocheting skills are just about non existent. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

Now I'm back home with my Opal socks pattern I can keep going with them again. I had to stop at where the ribbing stopped cause I couldn't remember where to go next as I had left the pattern at home in Sydney while in Melbourne (well I am blonde you know). I'm not loving them, the heel construction is really odd. It's a different way of doing them and it kinda pulls and looks like it's too small. Hmmm, you know I might have to frog them and start again with a different pattern...


Blogger Stitchingmum said...

Beeee-YOOOO-tiful work Taryn!!!!

10:58 pm


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