Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Mmmmm, cables

Just a quickie tonight - I meant to mention in my last post that the fab Stefanie has posted my favourite cardigan from her last lot of designs. Ohh I likey alot. I wonder if the jo sharp silk road ultra that I got cheap would be good for it, the gauge is 13.5 sts but that's on a 7mm. I reckon it might be close on an 8. Mmmmmm, yummy.

I had spinning class yesterday and came out with a fairly nice lot of single ply if I do say so myself. I'm now onto the second bobbin so I can ply it together, can't wait to see how it turns out. Pics in the next day or so when I get 2 seconds to stop and relax.

Socks are coming along well, up to the toe shaping. But this pattern is a bit funky - it says to do the toe shaping the same as the heel. Huh? I have images of toes with big heel looking lumps on it. Aye aye aye, I'm so confused.


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