Monday, December 11, 2006

Flat and sweaty

This time of year. Oi. Busy, hot and really a bit flat in the knitting department. I'm getting so desperate I'm thinking of doing a shawl (and I'm sure you know my thoughts on shawls). I'm thinking socks might be the go, lord knows I have a tonne of the good stuff sitting in the next room. Maybe this tasty number from Knitty (shame I just ran out of that colourway) or I especially like this.

I'm plugging along on the old mohair cushion cover. I have read many people say that knitting with mohair is a bit like knitting with fibreglass... I'm being to understand that line of thought. Also not nice when sitting on the couch and my tshirt rides up a smidge and it rubs against my skin.... *shiver*. Almost there though, I think I can make it without resorting to wearing cotton gloves while knitting it.

We are all ready for Xmas here - lights up, tree up, presents bought (except for the biggies for DH and Little Man) and cards out. We are the lone house in the street with xmas lights up, and I feel rather extravagant with 3 santa sillouettes, a banner saying 'merry chrsitmas' and one strand of icicles (is it just me or does anyone else laugh at the irony of hanging iciles and singing songs about dashing through snow in the middle of summer?). That was until I read about Laurie's nutter neighbours. Australia is not known for it's big light shows as America is, but there are a few streets around town that go all out. I just found this. Oh My.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read your thoughts on shawls - I wrote something similar at the beginning of the year! Where DO they wear those things?
I've also bookmarked Cookie's socks but, there are not enough hours in the day! Which yarn will you use btw - seeing as you have the MOST AMAZING STASH?!

7:55 am

Blogger Meg said...

I love the Monkey socks too, they'll go on the Someday list. (I actually considered frogging my RPM sock to start Monkey but managed to quell that notion quickly enough!)
The best street for lights I've seen in Sydney is Edwin St in Fairlight. Well worth a drive over to have a look one evening. They all put in a big effort and collect donations for a worthy cause.(Maybe you should send your neighbours there for inspiration?)

9:21 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the "less is more" philosophy with Christmas lights - a few strands, some icicles and I'm happy :-)

2:21 pm


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