Tuesday, December 19, 2006

If you can't stand the heat

This year, for the very first time, Christmas is being held at our house. Not a big crowd, just the in-laws, my dad and his partner and us, but enough for me to go into menu planning overload. I am agonising over it, taking (many) cookbooks out of the cupboard, pouring over them looking for just the right entree, main, dessert (well we all know that will have to be a pav. Can't have a xmas without a pav). I even went to the newsagent yesterday in a panic looking for cooking magazines. My dilemma is that DH's family do the traditional hot meal, whereas my family are a bit more relaxed about it - throw some prawns and ham our way with a few salads and we're set. So I'm trying to mix it up - modern entree, trad main, trad but light (none of this pudding stuff around here) dessert.

I have also decided that I'm going to go all Martha and set a table. With trimmings. Since the knitting has been at an all time low around here lately, I decided to pick up the Crack Silk Haze. Ha! Sorry, I was delusional. I meant to say, I picked up something that may be on par with the CSH, wire.

Yep, I'm knitting some napkin rings from the latest Knitty. Apart from aching hands and black fingers from the wire, it's actually pretty fun!

I have no idea what else is going on the table, but at least the napkins will be rockin. 2 down, 4 to go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are very pretty! Are they poky? If not, I could see making a larger ring and wearing it as a bracelet.

12:36 pm

Blogger Meg said...

wow, what an undertaking! The SERVIETTE rings look great!
We are more of the prawns and salad types ourselves, but in order to have the best of both worlds, we also have cold ham and turkey and a pud for dessert. (but I hate pudding. Give me a pav any day!)

1:03 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So pretty! Very modern...like they'd go well with a few prawns and a salad.


1:17 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just had to come over and see the rings - how divine!

Re my star: maybe you could wrap beaded wire around the tree section... x

7:56 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

They're amazing!! Very pretty.

9:41 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

They look gorgeous, Taryn!

10:07 pm


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