Wednesday, June 07, 2006

We're all going on a... winter holiday

Well, we are off until Monday now (that's 'off' as in away, not 'off' as in gone bad) for a few days of this

and some of this

and this

and hopefully not much of this

Think of us in inland NSW where the temps are currently 2 degrees C at night... mmmm toasty. And I would be wearing a mini skirt to the Punk fancy dress on Sunday night (last year we were 80s sports stars, DH was Eddie the Eagle, I was a white Flo Jo) (and here you will see reason #378 why you shouldn't brush curly hair).

So tomorrow 5 hours of knitting time in the car. Except for when it's my turn to drive (although we have borrowed a car more suitable for towing and it has cruise control so there is possibilities there....)

Have a good long weekend Aussies, see you all on Tuesday.


Blogger amy said...

oh my that looks like fun. i hope to someday have an old mini. i have one of the new ones, but nothing beats the vintage. have fun!

12:20 pm


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