Wednesday, September 07, 2005


You know how I'm on a bit of a finishing mission at the moment? Well, there could be a slight problem.
That nice top from Rowan I mentioned that I wanted to sew up?

Um.... yeah.

I think if I wear it any time soon I could be arrested for indecent exposure.
We are talking small wardrobe malfunction.

Let's just say a peasized one. Of the flesh coloured kind.

And it has such a beautiful pattern, I don't want to go ruining it with a bra.
Darn it.

Onto the reason that posts have been so thin on the ground lately, Clapotis.
It's coming along a treat, I've been furiously knitting it day and night - DH has been home from work and kept the Little Man busy so I can get it done in time. I LURVE the Noro, such a pretty colourway. This photo was taken yesterday and I was still on the straight section.

Now I'm up to the decreases so I think it will be off the needles in the next day! Yipee!! As much as I enjoy knitting it, I am feeling the (self induced) pressure of getting it done in time for mum's birthday, and I hate to knit under pressure. And I am getting bored, I need something else to entertain my mind with. I think I'll go onto the Zhivago shrug next, hopefully it will be a quick knit and fairly painless.

I got some unspun wool in ebay the other night and it's on it's way - I'm so excited! It's white so I can have fun with dyes - although I guess I should learn how to spin first huh...


Blogger Michelle said...

Your Clapotis is looking great!! Love the colours!!


12:24 pm

Blogger Rachael Elswyk said...

OMG, you're a woman on a mission! That's clapotis on steroids! If I send you mine will you finsh it? HA! Are you going to try the koolaid thing or is it jelly dying? I think I've read that somewhere.

7:34 pm

Blogger Meg said...

drool drool drool drool
Oh! I mean the Clapotis, not that Nipplegate top. (Will look forward to seeing that once its slight, ahem, malfunction has been rectified.)

5:19 pm


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